So damn tire.
Take a shower,change,and get ready to go outXD
Change so fast,because i'm wearing my spec to shopping again.
For the first time in so many years i wear spec to shop.
Reach MidValley at 10.00am,call Cassmine.
She havent there yet.
So shop with mom for awhile.
The mall is totally so empty.
You can even ly on the floor if you want to.
After few minutes,Cassmine call me,told me she waiting for me in Kim Gary.
Went to Kim Gary to collect mine and Jia En cheque.
Wow,that sui po so damn rich already.
Then after collecting it,bank-in mine,and help Jia En bank in her's.
Redraw money from the ATM machine.
Cause mommy say,if i wanna buy stuff i have to use my own money.
So sad-.-
Went to C-Jade Express to have our branch at 11.30am.
Buy mommy branch.
This is what we have...
After done eating,our shopping tour started^^
Went to look for my working pants first.
Went in to Jusco.
Found 1,but not nice.
Instead of pants bought a pair of shoes in Jusco,nice^^
Next went to Garden,Isetan,to look for my pants.
Found few,but too expensive.
So gave up finding,walk around in Garden.
Went into the supermarket there.
Alot of imported stuff we never saw before.
Fool with mommy in the supermarket.
Bought new belt.Finally-.-
After done with MidValley,went to Sungei Wang next.
First went to Lot10,Isetan to look for my pants.
Try few,and finally bought 1.
The pants actual price is like RM 109,but member we get 70%.
And the pants become RM32.
So damn cheapXD
Went to Times Square next,to buy my heels.
Mom say shopping with me,is more harder then going to gym.
I dont care,i just love shoppingXD
After bought everything i needed,the time show 4.15pm.
Mommy feel hungry,but i'm not-.-but have to accompany her to eat.
Going to Esquire Kitchen(don't know how to spell).
On the way there,i saw VINCENT CHAN,gosh.
(Mewah High close friends i think you know who is heXD)
He still looks the same.
After done shopping and eating and spendingXD
Both of us are exhausted.
Feel like having a nice long bath.
Today i use my own money to buy all the stuff.
Spend alot-.-
By the way,i feel happy when i'm spending money.
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